Cognitive Skills

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We want our children to be vibrant in their actions and get more out of their life. To fulfil all these hopes and dreams their overall cognitive development is very essential. It refers to the dynamic building of various learning skills of thinking capability, memory building and the ability to pay attention etc. In detail: […]

Parenting Styles – Uninvolved Parenting

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  Uninvolved Parenting This parenting style refers to ignorance of the parents towards their child’s emotional and social needs. While these parents do provide the kids with all the basic necessities of life including good food, ample clothes and a decent academic life, they are often quite inattentive to their emotional needs and rarely show any […]

Parenting Styles – Permissive Parenting

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Permissive Parenting – Allowing children to grow socially secure According to developmental psychologist Diana Baumrind permissive parenting is the way of rearing the children by being warm and nurturing, but also rather reluctant towards imposing any set limits on their behaviour. While the former proves to be a great trait in the emotional developments of […]

Parenting Styles – Authoritative Parenting

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                                                    Authoritative Parenting – A moderate approach Most applauded by developmental psychologists, the authoritative style of parenting is all about taking a moderate approach with respect to dealing with children. While, it does involve drawing certain lines to ensure socially acceptable behaviour and inculcate good habits, it also tends towards nurturing children in an encouraging […]

Learning Styles – Visual Learners

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Marcel Proust once said, “The real voyage of discovery consists of not in seeking new landscapes but in having new eyes”, and in most probability, this is what fairly defines a visual learner. It is quite likely that you already know that your little one is a visual learner, and this can be simply observed […]

Learning Styles – Kinaesthetic Learners

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Benjamin Franklin once said, “Tell me and I’ll forget, teach me and I’ll remember, but involve me and I’ll learn!” And for what it matters, this holds astoundingly true for kinaesthetic learners. Like any other style of learning that kids adhere to, even kinaesthetic learning is something that toddlers catch up while they’re still very […]

Learning Styles – Auditory learners

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 Children who respond better – Auditory Learners Sound, an element that starts to attract the child, ever since he takes his first breath in this world, sometimes become a way of learning for some. Yes, there are children who respond better to sound than to any other sense such as sight or touch. Such children […]

Emotional Balance

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Sometimes we observe children overreacting to simple things; this is because they don’t know how to balance their emotions. Once they learn to monitor their emotions and respond with some balance, they can become more flexible. Below are the tips to Encouraging Emotional balance in the children suggested by Ann Densmore. Limit exposure to violent […]

Playful learning:

Posted Posted in Parenting

One mother who had attended  one of my workshops told me that even I’m a teacher and working in the same school my kids are attending to, but I’m not able to spend enough time with my kids just like other working parents. Instead I spend more time with other kids. This is true! Irrespective […]