Social Skills

Children can develop their social and emotional skills through social relationships including adults and children around them.  

For small children they include how to wait for their turns while playing, how to negotiate in everyday situations, how to take decisions on what to eat, what to wear etc.

For older children these skills include

Get along with others, knowing what they can do and feeling good about them and also expressing their feelings and solve problems and being resilient is important of all.

We can teach these skills through every day everyday situations with little efforts.

Emotional Intelligence:

“It is an ability to recognize, control and express our emotions”

The most important facets of emotional intelligence are empathy and connecting to other people.

We all agree that Brain is like a muscle the more we use the sharper it becomes. Children brains are young and brain development is 90% finished by the age of four, in this stage children can absorb and learn many things. So this is the best time to be inculcating the strategies of life skills. Children can develop their emotional intelligence during the early years of life with little efforts from our side as parents.

Resilience: A big banyan tree grows from a tiny seed, our children are just like that seed, all we need to do is to provide sunshine, water and soil in the farm of social and emotional skills. The sooner you begin this, the better chances they have of developing their skills.

Resilience is the ability to bounce back the difficulties. This is not a skill we use in a regular basis, we don’t know when we need this because we don’t know when we get problems. Teaching how to handle stress in early years will help children to get ready for challenges ahead.

for more information contact us @ 9014702954